Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Amazing Christmas Tree Sleep Over

On Friday I had two of the most compliant little helpers I've ever seen. Fridays are cleaning days for me and I especially wanted to get the house cleaned this past Friday because of our plans to put up the Christmas tree that evening. Toys were picked up and put away quickly without any second reminders. First time obedience has never been practiced so well. As I vacuumed the rugs, my two little assistants ran out quickly with their own "vacuums" to assist me. It was quite funny to observe their obedient behavior that day because honestly we've entered a new phase in their relationship as brother and sister. Now that Kaiya is no longer a baby, she realizes that she can have an opinion too...and the competitive sibling rivalry has been introduced to our family over the past few months. "I saw that tree over there, before you did" "Mama, she's touching me" are a few examples of words proclaimed recently to the tune of the whining song.

Why so eager to obey on this particular day? They knew that we were putting up the Christmas tree that evening with another special little bonus...a big family sleep over in the living room on the first night the Christmas tree was put up. We pulled a couple mattresses out and watched a Micky Mouse Christmas movie together before calling it a night. Caedmon's words for the evening were "This is AMAZING, Mom!"


Unknown said...

What a neat tradition Sherri!! Sounds like lots of fun. :)

We have the same sibling rivalry over's so sad when that enters the family.

I must admit your pictures of putting the tree give me the fever....but I'm holding strong until the day after Thanksgiving. :)

How about a picture of the end product...please don't tell me you wrapped some of those gifts already...Or I will feel really behind.

cheryl said...

Traditions like this are fun! A couple times we spent the night with aunts, uncles, and cousins on Christmas eve. Great memories!

Jessi said...

It is so fun to watch the kids faces when you do something fun & exciting out of the ordinary... Pure Joy!!

Nicole said...

Sherri I am so glad it went so well for you! What an awesome tradition! I love all the great ideas you give!

Jenn said...

What fun! Love that tradition so much that we might need to "steal" it. :)