Saturday, December 1, 2007

Post Surgery

Everything went well on Thursday for my surgery. I was a little weepy when I had to tell Kevin goodbye right before they wheeled me back to the ice cold surgery room. It seemed like we waited forever for the Anesthesiologist to get there, but as soon as he did, I was in la-la land. This time has been the hardest for me in the recovery area. I woke up with my whole body shaking and with a lot of pain. I remember thanking God that it was over at that time. The nurse gave me something for the shakes and morphine for the pain...then onto the next recovery room where Kevin would be allowed to see me finally. I threw up a couple of times in that room. Before I could leave the hospital, I had to drink something, have my pain at a tolerable level and use the restroom. I was guessing that we would be home somewhere between 5 and 6, but it wasn't until 9pm when we arrived home because of my inability to use the restroom. I was finally able to go when they threatened to use a catheter...scared the pee right out of me. :) Thanks a ton to my sister for keeping the kids a few extra hours for us. My mom was here yesterday and cleaned my house. Thanks mom! Thanks also to all who prayed, called, sent cards & brought meals. What a blessing my friends & family are to me!


Guatmama said...

Sherry glad you are on the road to recovery. We will continue to pray for you!

krista said...

Thanks for posting. I am sure it wasn't the first thing on your mind in your recovery. So glad that you had your family close to you to help! I hope you continue to improve, and just think, the worst part is over! Hope to see you on Sunday.

Unknown said...

Sherri, Glad you are home safe and sound. And that it is over with. Hope you saw improvement today and keep feeling a little better each day. You are so blessed to have a mama and sister to take such good care of you and CLEAN THE HOUSE??? WOW! Hope you can make it tomorrow and give you a gentle hug. Thanks for posting on your progress. Love, Heather

Cottonista said...

Glad all you Northern gingeriches got to have home cooking today. In honor of y'all, we ate Pizza Hut at church.

Sherri, I'm so glad you're on this side of it. Hope you're feeling better soon.