Wednesday, September 15, 2010

baby quinn

On September 9th, we became an aunt and uncle for the thirteenth time. A niece, Quinn Ruthie, was born early that morning to Kevin's sister Joyce. What should have been a joyful day of celebrating a new life born into our family, turned into a day of tears, sadness and questions as to why God would allow her life to come to an end after a few short hours. We left the next morning for Alabama and the next few days were a mixture of joys and painful sadness. It was a comfort and a joy to all be together as a family, but a painful sadness for the reason we were there. Kevin's brother flew in from Costa Rica with their family. We hadn't seen them all since last year. It was a joy to embrace them once again. It was a joy to see the cousins playing together and loving each was a painful sadness to know that one was missing.
This picture was taken the morning of the funeral. We all had breakfast together at Jason and Joyce's home. My nephew Owen put on some praise music and the grand kids started dancing and praising in the living room. It was sweet to see their innocence and joy on such a sad was comforting and made me smile. Kaiya with Aunt Joyce.
Cousin Karis with Luca BellaSarah, Krista and I after the funeralSaying goodbye - Krista, Joyce, Sarah and I Dear Baby Quinn,

We have twelve nieces and nephews. You were to be our thirteenth. We anticipated your arrival with excitement and love just as we did the other twelve. I talked with your mommy a few weeks before your birth. She was on her way to one of the final doctor appointments before your arrival. I had a doctor appointment that same day. What made your arrival extra special for me was that in a few short months after your birth, I would give birth to your cousin and you would only be a few months apart. What a joy to experience this pregnancy...something I thought would never happen. What a joy to experience it together with you and your mommy! I looked forward to you two growing up together so close in age. I also envisioned our little boy picking on and tormenting you and your girly adventures.
Early on September 9th our phone rang. It was early enough that we were still lying in bed. It was also early enough that I questioned Kevin who would be calling at this time. He immediately mentioned your mommy's name and the possibility of news of your arrival. It was Grandma B. on the other line and I listened in on the conversation. I drew the conclusion that you had arrived and excitement filled me. I also sensed that there may have been a complication. After getting off the phone, Kevin shared about your arrival, your beautiful name and the news that your heart rate was low. We prayed right then, and I felt in my heart that you would be ok.
Later on that morning we got another call from Grandma. You were still struggling, but your heart rate had risen a bit. I praised God and continued praying...asking God to open up your lungs so you could breath easily and continue to gain more strength. Another phone call came and this time the news that you probably wouldn't pull through...with tears streaming down my face, I fell to my knees and begged God to touch your little body...This could not be just couldn' wasn't supposed to be this way...God help us.
God swept you up into His arms and as the song was sung by your uncle, you are now "Safe in the Arms of Jesus". The very next Sunday after returning home from Alabama, we sang "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less" at our church. I knew it wasn't a coincidence that we had just sang that song at your funeral, but a comforting touch from God for us at that moment.
We will forever miss you...our sweet baby niece, Quinn Ruthie. You are forever in our hearts and we will always remember you in the birth order of our nieces and nephews as number thirteen. Our arms ache to hold you and love on you. We look forward even more now to that glorious day when we will all be together in our forever home. We love you.
Psalm 139:13-16
Oh yes baby Quinn, you were shaped from the inside, then out;
you were formed in your mother's womb.
We thank God--He is amazing!
Body and soul, you were marvelously made!
We worship in adoration--what a creation!
God knows you inside and out,
He knows every bone in your body;
He knows exactly how you were made, bit by bit,
How you were sculpted from nothing into something.
Like an open book, He watched you grow from conception to birth;
all the stages of your life were spread out before Him,
The days of your life all prepared
before you'd even lived one day.
With much love and aching arms,
aunt Sherri


Cottonista said...

Thanks for posting your memories and thoughts of Quinn, Sherri. Much love to you.

Nicole said...

oh Sherri that is so sweet! I am trying to type beyond the tears :) What a beautiful tribute to such a special girl! I still pray for them daily, and think of them often.

Guatmama said...

That was beautiful