Friday, April 10, 2009


to the KING OF KINGS!!

"He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed" (Isaiah 53:5). Earth's saddest day and gladdest day were just three days apart! -Susan Coolidge

Caedmon has been drawing pictures almost everyday these days. He drew this one this week. Can you tell what it is? :) I scratched my head and had to ask...I thought maybe I saw a resemblance of Mickey Mouse maybe? Then he told me it was the the three crosses with Jesus in the middle. The circles are the nails. And the angry stick people below the crosses are the mean soldiers.

Happy Easter!

Praise God, "He is risen; he is not here." - Mark 16:6!!

Quote of the day:

In remembrance of the Passover meal that Jesus took the night before his death, our church met in several different homes for a light meal and partook of communion together. I talked to Caedmon about what we were going to be doing that evening and why. Yesterday afternoon, out of the blue, he asked:

Caedmon: "Are we all going to die tomorrow?"

Me: "I don't think so, why do you ask?"

Caedmon: "Because we're eating the Last Supper tonight."


Julie said...

Very cute memories.....Loved Kaiya's dance and singing and Caedmon's drawing is precious - he is getting it :-)

Unknown said...

very sweet pictures. You put so much time into those pictures...color blocking...I LOVE IT!!! I loved Caedmon's quote of the day, what a sweetie.

sherri said...

Thanks, Heather. I have it down with only a few clicks now. It's definitely a hobby of mine if you can't tell. :)

Jenn said...

Oh my goodness, that video of Kaiya is absolutely adorable. Her dancing and kicks totally cracked me up. Caed's quote was hysterical too.

You have a beautiful voice need to sing on your blog more often. :)